Netflix - Add a feature

To find a movie you forgot the name of (or don’t know the name) and the app finds everything that can correspond to your research.

  • Time: 4 Days Design Sprint

  • Team: Individual

  • Tools: Figma, Figjam, Google Forms, Useberry

  • Platform: Android

  • Methodology: Design Thinking for an existing App

  • Deliverables: Mid-Fi / High-Fi

 Design Thinking

  • Research and Empathise

    The first step was researching the design principles of Netflix, competitors and Users. Qualitative and quantitative research about User’s search behaviour on Netflix.

  • Define

    Creating How might we statements, emphasise maps, user Persona, current user journey map. Which all got summarized in a problem statement and hypothesis statement

  • Ideate

    Information architecture, creation of site map and main user flow. Sketching of first design ideas and of Low-Fi.

  • Prototyping

    Wireframing Mid-Fi´s on Figma which were leading into the High-Fi. Generation of a design system for the first time.

  • Testing

    Remote and online testing of the Mid-Fi. For the online testing, I used Useberry.

The Motivation


As the brief was already leading to a direction, it was my motivation to focus on the design principles of Netflix. The feature should help to find movies for the user when they maybe forget a name or don´t know exactly what they want to watch but they have an idea of what the movie should be like. Additionally, to that, it was also needed to validate if the feature is needed from the users.

Design Principles

  • Simple and easy to follow

  • Personal

  • Experimental

 User Research

 Interview Quotes

  • “If I cannot find the movie I´m looking for, I search for it on google, which is pretty anoying.”

  • “ I never find what I´m searching for on Netflix, I´m not satisfied with the filter options.”

  • “When I don’t remember the title of the movie, I search for the content of the movie to find the movie. “

  • I would like to choose my own Genres and not the one the ones the Netflix algorythm shows me. “

How might we…

offer more filter options to Netflix users?

get better results while searching for movies without a specific name?


Competitor Analysis

The most interesting findings were

  • None of these apps has an option to set detailed filters

  • No option to combine the search input with some filter option.

  • In all of the apps, the user has the option to not only search for the title they also show results for actor's search, genres or topics like e.g. second world war.

 User Persona

 User Journey Map

Problem Statement 

“The Netflix feature is designed to achieve the goal to give more filter options to the user for the search process.”

 “We have observed that the service is not meeting with the goal to find movies without knowing the titles name which is causing longer search processes by using other Apps.”

“How might we improve Netflix in the way our users are more successful based on their search results?”

  Ideation Low-Fi

Implanting more detailed filter options to find movies without knowing the Name or what exactly users want to watch.

  Mid-Fi / User Testing  

  • Homepage

  • Search Options

  • Filter Options

  • Matching movies

  • Select the movie

  • Watch on Netflix

A lot of miss clicks on the homepage of the Netflicks App. The search button is not clearly visible as it is placed at the right corner of the Page. The tester clicked instinctively in the middle of the screen. Therefore I implemented the search button in the middle of the screen.

Design System


 High Fi

 - Added search Button on the homepage because testing showed people couldn´t find it.

- Detailed filter options to find a new suitable movie

- Filtering content, Actors, Era, Producer and Genre

- Filter results showing best matches and matches wit different categories

  • Homepage

  • Search Options

  • Filter Options

  • Matching movies with the filter

  • Select the movie

  • Watch on Netflix



The next steps of the project are to optimize the search process by shortening the user flow and having fewer steps to follow. It can be also focused on how to apply not only movies but also series or how to combine these searches.

For the first time, I used the design system and the auto layout which I really enjoyed because it gives a good structure for working and helps a lot to be efficient in the design process.

Thank you for your interest in the project. I hope you enjoyed it. For more detailed information check the full length here


Patisserie Olczak and Son